Hss4124 & HB78 Chinsh Stenes gun stàilinn (inneal cruinneachadh eabar)

  • SS HRS 4124 & HB78 slabhraidhean buaill airson inneal cruinneachadh eabar

    SS HRS 4124 & HB78 slabhraidhean buaill airson inneal cruinneachadh eabar

    Tha GL air slabhraidhean leigheis uisge a thoirt seachad airson diofar uidheamachd làimhseachaidh uisge a 'toirt a-steach làimhseachadh uisge uisge, bogsa grùid gràin gainmhich agus grùide a' gabhail thairis. In order to meet the functional requirements of different water treatment equipment, GL can not only provide water treatment chains made of stainless steel and special alloy steel, but also provide molded water treatment chains.The material can be 300,400,600 series stainless steel.